A Day In The Life of a Lifetime Fitness Member

Hi it's Will!

Last week I discussed Lifetime Fitness as a whole club and the benefits members get out of it. I also mentioned all that it has to offer for their members. As we all know by now, Lifetime offers much more than just a gym. In this post, I will talk about what a usually day at Lifetime consists of.

It is night time and I am just about ready to pack my bag and go to Lifetime. Lifetime is usually busy early in the morning and early at night so basically rush hour is when it is packed. I like going around 9 or 10 at night. When I arrive, I scan my member card and head to the locker room to put my stuff up. After I do that, I head upstairs to the fitness area to begin my workout. Most people I see at Lifetime are doing cardio machines and the free weights.

Free Weight Section at Lifetime Fitness
When beginning my workout, I like to spend about 30 minutes on a cardio machine whether it is a treadmill, bike, or an elliptical. One thing I love about Lifetime is that their cardio machines have built in TV's so when you run or bike, you can watch your favorite shows. To me, this makes my workout go faster along with listening to my music. After 30 minutes, I head over to the free weights section and depending on what muscles I am working out that day I will do. Lets take chest day for example. I try to get about five to seven different chest exercises done in about 45 minutes which is definitely tough. So after my 45 minutes of my workout, I will go back downstairs to the locker room and put on my swimsuit and go to either the hot tub or sauna. These are two amenities that Lifetime offers to their members whenever they feel like using these. I see a lot of people use these after their workouts for recovery.
Squat Racks provided by Lifetime
Finally, after the hot tub or steam room, I get my bag and head home. On occasion, I will go to the Life Cafe and order a protein smoothie or if I am hungry then I will order some food. The Life Cafe does a great job of marketing to the members because they claim that every product that is in there is healthy. So that is usually what a day in the life at Lifetime Fitness is like for me. Everyone's day is different, but I like to stick to a routine every time I go.

The Life Cafe
