Lifetime Outdoor

Hi it's Will again!
As the summer comes to an end, the outdoor pools come to a close. Many members try to make a push for the pools to stay open longer as they close relatively early. The outdoor pool closes on Labor Day while people want to push for it to close sometime at the end of September. Lifetime offers a lot of  different swimming classes both indoor and outdoor to the community. The thing I enjoy most about the pools is the freedom to use the swimming laps to get a good workout in. People also use the pool area to utilize the hot tubs and saunas which are nice perks to being a Lifetime member.
During the summer, Lifetime has certain events outside as well. One huge event that they do midway through the summer is call Poolapalooza. They advertise this well on their social media sights and also give live coverage of the event as it goes on. Kids from all over come in for this event and Lifetime brings in a DJ and has games and dances for kids to play. The pool also has outdoor slides which kids utilize a lot. This day is a very important day because nonmembers will see this and want to sign up for it the next year. From what I know, Poolapalooza grows in size every year.
If you have any questions regarding outdoor pools, classes, Poolapalooza, or any other inquiry about Lifetime's outdoor facilities, please do not ask in the comment section.
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